Monday, August 06, 2007

America's Top States for Doing Business

I found this on CNBC's website.

According to this data, Iowa is ranked 11th best state to do business. I'm rather surprised that we ranked this high. Our corporate tax system is not known to be friendly to businesses as compared to others. But, there must be worse states out there, as this survey claims we are 10th best in Business Friendliness. The report also says we are 5th best for Cost of Doing Business. Hmmm.

I'm going to guess that this data was skewed a bit, however. What state was ranked 1st in Quality of Life? New Jersey. I guess the authors must have some "connections" with the Sopranos.

Which state had the best transportation system? Florida. Again, I don't think this the best state for roads; probably not the worst, but first? Don't think so.

California ranked 1st in Access to Capital. While its true there is a lot of money floating around California, they cannot, by law, hold Iowa ethanol equity drives like we've seen recently. It must be raised privately, and not advertised via radio, TV, or newspaper. Having talked to a entrepreneur from Long Beach who wanted to start a biodiesel plant using chicken fat, I learned that they can't do the ol' fashioned equity drive like we do here.

The worst place to do business, according to the survey? Alaska.


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