Slater in
Dazed and Confused said about George Washington growing hemp at Mt Vernon...
Huh? Why the heck are you talking about marijuana, Bob?
Here's the story - I'm considering growing grain sorghum as a double crop after wheat next year. I posted the question to an ag discussion group, whereby I got a reply from a farmer in SE Iowa who successfully did this. I asked him the name of the seed company, he gave it to me, and I did a search on it in Google.
However, right below the RIGHT seed company listing was another company with a very similar address (.net vs .com) that was selling marijuana seeds out of British Columbia. I'm not posting the address for obvious reasons.
For the price of a bag of seed corn with all the seed traits (Roundup ready, rootworm protected, cornborer protected, insecticide treated) ~ $190/bag, one can buy
10 seeds of various marijuana plants. Heck, they've got the names, growing characteristics, size, expected yields, etc just like a seed corn catalog! A bag of seed corn has 80,000 kernels, and can cover 2.75 acres. I haven't a clue how many MJ plants could go on an acre, but the cost would probably be in the hundred thousands! I assume one would use the 10 seeds as starter plants, then multiply them as need be.
Now, I know very little about marijuana - even while at Iowa State, as I was going through Resident Assistant training, I didn't know what MJ smelled like, so the Ames police had to burn some "fake" MJ so we all could identify it. I can't point to a period of time when I was knowingly around pot - I guess I lived a sheltered life...
But, being a businessman, I'd have to say this: If the government were to legalize MJ, the price of those seeds would drop on a magnitude of 100 or more. Heck, even if the government put a "sin" tax on the pot, the refeerheads would still get their pot cheaper than now, grower facilities could expand and become part of the corporate agriculture landscape, and the government coffers would overflow from this new income. A win-win-win situation...
...except for late night fast food workers who have to deal with more doobie brothers having the munchies.Let me say this: I am not for the legalization of ALL currently illegal drugs. Heroin, LSD, meth, cocaine should stay illegal. However, I would be open to looking into decriminalizing FIRST industrial hemp (very low THC), then possibly marijuana. I think some frank discussion needs to take place between those who want to grow and use the product and law enforcement. Yes, the government will want to get its tentacles into legalization as much as possible, and that may have to be the trade-off.
I think a healthy, realistic debate needs to take place on legalization of hemp and marijuana. Jay and Silent Bob, or Rev Green, need not apply, however.
Dazed and Confused is an awesome movie. It and
Office Space are two of my favorites...
Smokey and the Bandit ranks right up there, too.