Noneedfortheneed over at The Century of the Common Iowan sees fit to work over Reps. Tom Tancredo and Steve King for their
comments about illegal immigration. Noneed, while being worthy of having his blog link on my page, is unfortunately just plain wrong in his critique of the Representatives' words.
I didn't see any "hate-filled remarks" in the words of Tancredo and King, as Noneed observed. In fact, I believe they are right on the money.
"Illegal immigration has diluted the country's patriotism."If you have no qualms with skipping across the border, receiving free government benefits without paying into them, and never bothering to learn the dominant language, much less obtain citizenship in a legal manner, then I'd say yes, illegal immigration is working against patriotism. Illegal aliens are working against the American system by attempting to take advantage of its generosity to its citizens.
"We have a cult of multiculturalism."Again, this is a true statement. We have been indoctrinated for more than 40 years that the US should not have a common identity, but that it should be a salad bar of various backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and cultures.
While I have no problem with people of various cultures coming to the United States, they should be willing to check some of their "culture" at the door when they arrive and be prepared to accept some shared American culture. My family is of German descent, and while my last name is very German, I don't speak it, nor do I have a longing for the Fatherland. I'm an American, with no prefix and hyphen; just a simple American.
Multiculturalism's idea is for people of various cultures to mix and mingle and get along like one big happy United Nations. The problem is, unless you are on neutral ground, someone is going to declare the place their home turf and ask the rest of to get with the program or leave. That's human nature, folks.
I'm not saying that everyone in America should be the same; heaven forbid we all start talking like Minnesotians (ya betcha!). However, when someone arrives in the United States, they should be willing to accept some American culture into their lives, and therefore work toward being American, not _____-American.
Now, if we want to discuss the reason why there is a high level of illegal immigration into this country, especially from those countries with whom we have signed free trade agreements with, I'd be more than glad to do that. I think there is a strong correlation between NAFTA's passage and the influx of aliens. As a farmer, I glad to have new markets for our crops. However, I'm concerned that it is making it difficult for subsistent farmers to make a living in their home countries and having to compete with relatively lower priced imports. More would likely stay in their home country if they could derive suitable income there.
But, we should not mix the consequences of free trade agreements with supposed "hate" by those who want to protect our nation. That's too easy of a cop out. Tancredo and King are doing what they can to defend our national identity. Maybe we need to renegotiate NAFTA, or hold the Mexican government more accountable for their citizens crossing the border. But there is nothing wrong with the words of these two statesmen in relation to illegal immigrants, IMHO.